




Converseの次の主要なステップはReact Juiceでした。これは、NBAファンタスティックラリージョンソンのシグネチャーシューズであるCons Aero JamとAero Jetに多くの顕著なものが組み込まれています。 Reactは、ヒールカウンターとミッドソールに座っていた「Bladders」に設置された黄色のジュースでした。最初はかなりギミックがあるように見えたかもしれませんが、足首のサポートとクッション性が高くなりました。 「おばあちゃんがこのように動くと、ジュースはそのように反応します」コンバースは、ジョンソンが彼の「おじいちゃん」にdressした90年代の有名な広告で主張するでしょう。




ナイキの次のステップは、もちろんエアでした。もともとは、元ナサ航空宇宙エンジニアのマリオン・フランクリン・ルディと同様に、コンセプトを笑い尽くしたアディダスに売り込み、その後、ナイキのフィル・ナイトにコンセプトを取りました。最初は懐疑的ですが、ナイトは最終的にアイデアを支持しましたが、アディダスが断ったので、ほぼ(しゃれを許してください)。言うまでもなく、関係するすべてのお祝いにとって非常によく判明した決定。比較的単純なクッションからミッドソール内のエアバッグの統合に移行することは、ナイキにとってのマーベリックのステップであり、非常に報われたものでした。これは、ナイキスニーカーのクッションに多くの発展を遂げたことを考慮して、ズームエアとダブルクッションに変更され、LunarlonやReact Supportなどにも含まれています。ナイキはまた、革のアッパーからFlyknitなどの軽量で多用途の素材に進み、毎日のスニーカーのまったく新しい外観を生み出しました。

最後に、ナイキにとって、おそらく会社にとって2番目に偉大なリープテクノロジーでは、自己レーシングのナイキ雑誌のタイプになりました。 Nike Designer Tinker Hatfieldは、「将来を覗き込む」ためのパートIIに戻るためのスニーカーのペアを作成する任務を負っていました。広告の機会を見逃すことは決してありません。彼らはトップストラップに「ナイキ」を照らしただけでなく、ナイキスウッシュを横方向に沿って退屈させて、すべての人を見ることができました。




それ以来、彼らはボートを少し押し出しました。エアジョーダン8、エアジョーダン11のカーボンファイバーシャンク、エアジョーダン12のズームエアをズームしてから、フィットトゲスを含めるように移動しました。er and Kevlar fibre in future models. They’ve utilized an independent podular system for cushioning on the Air Jordan 20, and even a draw-string lacing system on the Air Jordan 33. considering that the beginning, Jordan brand have constantly upped their game, just like their namesake.

Image by means of Worldbox

When we believe of Reebok sneaker tech, The Pump comes directly to mind… or is that showing my age? Anyway, before The Pump graced those massive Reebok tongues, Reebok had the ERS, energy Return System in 1988. Cylinders in the midsole that supplied a higher energy return than the normal EVA midsoles.

Soon after the ERS came Hexalite; in my opinion, one of the coolest looking additions to an outsole in a long time. The Hexalite cushioning system not only supplied improved shock absorption, but also looked extraordinary as the style was based on honeycomb. The Hexalite areas of the sneaker were then visible, whether it be on the outsole for the Omni zone 2s, or the lateral midsole of the Questions.

Then came Reebok’s a lot of popular tech advancement, The Pump. Although preliminary sight of the function may have led you to believe it made you jump higher, a la Dee brown pumping up his sneakers during the 1991 NBA dunk Comp, it actually only improved the in shape of the sneaker, but, it did that truly良い。

Reebok lastly added DMX absorption to the mix. A function that supplied air in the midsole that ran with to different pods improving cushioning and responsiveness. It wasn’t a function utilized on lots of models, but the designs it was utilized on were sleek, such as the DMX Run 10.

Image by means of Titolo

Around the exact same time Reebok released Hexalite, PUMA revealed their Trinomic cushioning. Utilising the exact same hexagonal shape as Hexalite, Trinomic included remove cells that supplied cushioning, versatility and stability – something the Trinomic logo encapsulates. utilized in two of my all-time much-loved models, the R698 and Puma Disc, I’ve been able to test out the performance myself, and boy, are they comfy.

Not only did the Disc include Trinomic cushioning, it also came with… well… a disc. With PUMA being the very first brand to produce a lace-less shoe (the velcro strapped clean shoe in 1968), they were ahead of the game as far as unique lacing systems went, and the PUMA Disc can absolutely be counted as a landmark sneaker, as it was also the very first of its kind. You would just turn the disc on the tongue to tighten or loosen the fit. basic as that.天才。 and in 1991, it assisted PUMA stick out in a competitive market. This was of program assisted along by Linford Christie using them on the podium after he clinched Olympic gold a year later in Barcelona.

2016, PUMA produce the Autodisc – similar to the auto-lacing Nike BB, except with the computer in the tongue, rather than the midsole, for a lot more flexibility. three years later, they introduced the PUMA Fi (Fit Intelligence); similar to the Autodisc, but the in shape might be changed on the sneaker itself in addition to the app. A far cry from the humble beginnings of the clean Shoe.

Image by means of SweetSoles

Finally, adidas. In 1985, they produced the adidas APS (Anti-Pronation and Shock absorption system); where you might harden or soften the cushioning in the midsole with the twist of a yellow key. Ground-breaking at the time, I’m hoping this is something that can be resurrected for contemporary running shoes… maybe minus the key.

Jump to 2013, and in comes a genuine game-changer;ブースト。 produced by broadening TPU bits to type closed cells around pockets of air (don’t worry, I don’t truly comprehend that part either); improve put adidas at the forefront of running again, and fast. It has five primary benefits. That’s rather a few thinking about the singular benefits of a great deal of other sneaker tech on the market. improve supplies comfort, it’s created to stand up to a large variety of temperatures, it’s durable, flexible, and finally, and a lot of importantly, it supplies considerable energy return. all of these components, working in harmony, have produced pioneering tech that will be around for a long, long time. Oh, and Kanye West is a fan.

APS, Boost, and into the future… well Futurecraft to be exact. adidas’ Futurecraft 4D was produced in 2017, and its midsole is made utilizing ‘Digital Light Synthesis’ as adidas phone calls it. liquid is printed in 3D to produce a lattice-like midsole, and adidas can tailor this to the private needs of an athlete. If this is something that can be streamlined and provided for the mass market, and still supply a high level of performance, it will be an extraordinary victory in sneaker tech, minimising supply chains and producing a a lot more sustainable process, without compromise. With the goal of making individualisation mainstream, the Futurecraft 4D may be the catalyst that modifications exactly how we shop for sneakers altogether.

もちろん、あなたはここと同じくらいチェックアウトして、「彼はアディダスのねじれについて覚えていませんでしたか?アシックスジェル?サコニーグリッド?スペースブートのサイズのポンプでそれらのナイクはどうですか?」 いいえ。 私はそれらのいずれかについて覚えていませんでした…特にナイキの空気圧! 彼らはすべて自分の作品を持っているべきであり、彼らはそれを手に入れます。

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